Canada and USA release hilarious Olympic jerseys – now the entire hockey world is laughing

Canada and the USA have released their jerseys ahead of the 2018 olympics. But only minutes after being released, people started having some serious laughs about them.

With the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics set to start in the new year, competing countries are beginning to release player invites, schedules and other details regarding their Olympic journey. Specifically to hockey, we’ve seen Canada release a pre-Olympic event roster that will play in November’s Karjala Tournament and potentially the Channel One Cup in December.

A lot of paperwork has been done, but the juiciest part (aside from the roster) was just released today – the jerseys.

Getting plenty of attention

To represent your country at the largest stage in the world is a true honor. Over the years, we’ve seen some traditional sweaters from Canada and the USA. But what was released today seems to be getting attention for the wrong reasons.

Both Hockey Canada and USA Hockey released their jerseys (sweaters for you purists) and the comments are negative. Canada opted to go futuristic in their approach, with a silver and white Maple Leaf and a jagged design down the arm. USA had the same design as Canada with more colors. USA had the traditional red, white and blue, but sprinkled in some lighter blues as well.

Changing traditions

With Canada and the USA releasing the same jersey but in different colors, we will need to see if the trend continues with Russia, Sweden and the remaining participating countries.

Canada and USA have had some historic uniform choices and both countries have gone down a less traditional road. It’s safe to say the critics are chirping at these jerseys, and for good reason.