Mark Giordano deserves all the praise for this awesome gesture following massive hit on Nick Suzuki

Mark Giordano is one of the oldest players in the league and, apparently, one of the classiest as well. We rarely see players showing respect towards each other in today’s NHL.

Instead, we see more and more that players are trying to get an advantage over opponents, and it’s not often we see classy moves between opponents, but when it happens, it warms every fan’s heart.

Source: Twitter

And this weekend, we saw something from Mark Giordano that caught fans’ attention, and we want to see more of it in the NHL.

This weekend, in the matchup between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Canadiens, Toronto’s Mark Giordano collided with Nick Suzuki in a massive hit. Suzuki, captain of the Canadiens, lost his stick when the two collided, and instead, it ended up close to Giordano.

Source: Twitter

When Giordana got up from the ice, he made sure to grab the stick, and before he skated away, he handed it over where it belonged, in the hands of Suzuki.

Many players would have just ignored the opponent’s stick or even kicked it away, but not Giordano. It’s great to see players respecting each other, especially after laying a huge hit. Class acts like this really belongs in hockey!

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