Bobby Clarke played in NHL’s most violent era, and Behn Wilson was the toughest player he ever saw

Bobby Clarke is considered one of the greatest players of all time, and one thing is for sure. Few captains have been as appreciated as Clarke was in Philadelphia.

He was the Flyers’ captain from 1973 to 1979 and from 1982 to 1984. And during his years at the organization, he won two Stanley Cups, and to this day, he’s the Flyers all-time leader in points, assists, and games played. During the years 1973-75, he was the best player in the world, winning three Hart Trophies and a Ted Lindsay.

So, understandingly, he played with and against some great players. And this was when hockey was way more brutal than it is right now, with lots of “goons” and players always ready to fight.

But who was the toughest Bobby Clarke ever played with or against?

“The best, and the toughest guy, I ever saw, was Behn Wilson,” said Clarke on the Cam & Strick Podcast.

“We played the Islanders, and he beats Clarke Gillies, and he was a veteran during those days. But Clarke wasn’t a goon at all, he was a great player. He was big and tough. And the next day, we go on to play the Rangers, and he whales on Barry Beck. Like it wasn’t even close, he just beat people, whenever he wanted to.”

“But after the first year, he never fought hardly. He just wanted to prove he was the toughest. He didn’t do it for the team. He just did it for himself. So we eventually traded him.”